
Castle Lane Day Nursery in Market Harborough rated Good by Ofsted
Castle Lane Day Nursery in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, has been rated Good in all areas for the second time running by Ofsted.
Following an inspection on 9 March 2020, the government organisation judged that Castle Lane was performing at a Good standard across every level of its assessment.
What is Ofsted?
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.
Ofsted is a non-ministerial department of the UK government and it reports to Parliament.
Its main function is to inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. It also inspects and regulates services that care for children and young people.
Castle Lane judged Good on every Ofsted level
Ofsted currently issues one of four overall judgements for nursery providers.
These are:
- Outstanding
- Good
- Requires Improvement
- Inadequate
Following its inspection on 9th March 2020, Ofsted issued Castle Lane Day Nursery with an overall rating of ‘Good’.
The areas that Ofsted judged Castle Lane to be Good were:
- The quality of education
- Behaviour and attitudes
- Personal development
- Leadership and management
Castle Lane rated Good by Ofsted in 2016
The previous Ofsted inspection on 19 January 2016 also saw Castle Lane judged as Good in all areas.
The Summary of key findings for parents from this report stated:
- Parents comment that the nursery is excellent and they cannot praise the staff enough for what they do to support the children. Parents have many good opportunities to be involved in children’s learning. They are invited to contribute to children’s progress reports and learning records.
- The management team is very strong and highly motivated to provide the very best for children. Effective procedures for self-evaluation are embedded in practice and support staff to maintain this excellent provision. They continually evaluate their practice and seek ongoing training to enhance the outcomes for children.
- Children behave well as staff are good role models. They receive lots of praise and encouragement from staff during play. Staff sensitively teach them to successfully share and take turns, which builds children’s confidence and self-esteem.
- The quality of teaching is good and some elements are outstanding. Children benefit from the highly positive interaction of well-qualified staff during their play. All children, including those receiving funding early education, make good progress from their starting points.
- Children with additional needs thrive, as parents, staff and other professionals work in close partnership. This ensures that children’s individual needs are very well targeted.