by Castle Lane Day Nursery | Feb 6, 2024 | Entertaining the kids, Nursery News
New for 2024! Castle Lane nursery is delighted to announce the completion of its new playground facility, now open for everyone attending the nursery to enjoy. Replacing a previous huge expanse of concrete is a brand new bespoke outdoor space designed to encourage...
by Castle Lane Day Nursery | Jun 21, 2021 | Entertaining the kids
Guest blog by Claire Webb, owner of the Paint Pottle in Market Harborough, on why creative communities matter and why creativity is essential to the development of babies and children. It is not difficult for the news to make me cross these days or maybe it is my age...
by paula | Mar 17, 2020 | Entertaining the kids
Following the worldwide Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, the latest advice is to stop non-essential contact with others and to practice social isolation. Easier said than done when you have small children! So how can you keep the kids entertained at home during these...
by paula | Feb 24, 2020 | Entertaining the kids
We all know that getting outdoors is a great way for children to get some exercise, take a break from computer games and burn off their energy. And now the Wildlife Trusts are calling for every child to have a one hour nature boost every day, as part of the school...