Additional guidance for parents and carers of children returning to Castle Lane in September, following the Covid outbreak
We are looking forward to welcoming you back into the nursery and want to reassure you that since opening on June 1st 2020, we feel confident for a safe smooth transition back into nursery life.
Children may have moved into a new room since lock down, so please contact the nursery if you are unsure.
These are the procedures we have put into place to minimise risk. They will be reviewed each week and we will keep you regularly updated.
We are aiming to be sensible, practical and as safe as possible.
Arriving & Departing
- We fully understand that returning to nursery may be tough for some children, who have not attended the setting for such a long period.
- However, we ask that no parents or carers enter the nursery building.
- When you arrive at nursery, you will see clear markings on the path leading up towards Great Bowden Road. These markings will be 2 metres apart. If you arrive at the same time as another parent/carer please adhere to the markings.
- On arrival, please use sanitizer near door bell and press the door bell. You will then be let into the nursery playground, come to the second gate and stop at the large green mat.
- Please wait on the green mat with your child, a member of staff will come to the playground gate, hand sanitize your child’s hand and then bring your child in through the playground. The child’s fun can then start!
- If your child is upset, please be reassured the member of staff will take the child from your arms. Ideally once a child is settled and able to walk, we will encourage the child to walk in independently but are very mindful that this may take some time to happen.
- As you exit the nursery, please use the hand sanitizer to the left of the gate on exit.
- We ask that if a parent is handing over a child, other parents must please remain 2 metres back behind the chalk lines.
- On collection, a member of staff will bring your child to you at the gate and again will hand sanitize them before handing them back to you.
- We do encourage that, once you get home, you pop your children’s clothes into the washing machine and maybe have a shower/bath.
Groups/ Rooms
- To minimise the risk of infection, children will not be mixing with children from another room unless there are exceptional circumstances.
- Children will either remain in their rooms or nominated outdoor space.
- Pre Covid, we may have joined rooms for outdoor play or to sing happy birthday to a member of staff. However we will not be doing this at present.
- The main purpose of this is, for example, if a child in Toddlers shows clear symptoms of covid 19, then step 1: a staff member remove that child from the room and contact parents to collect. Step 2: we will ask that the child gets tested as soon as possible.
- Once the test has been completed, the guidelines ask that the whole family self-isolate pending results. If the results are negative, we ask for written confirmation and the child can return once they are fit and well.
- If a positive test comes back, we will liaise with Public Health, Track and Trace and Ofsted. However we feel the expectation will be that the whole of room, staff and children get tested and self-isolate for up to 7 days. Fees will still be expected for this isolation period.
Resources & activities
- We are going to limit the resources and activities that the child has access to, to ensure that we can clean and sanitize resources effectively.
- We have been advised to limit malleable play at present. We are allowing shaving foam, Play dough, painting and water play. Our normal food messy play will not be available, due to the risk of cross contamination.
- We will be outdoors as much as possible and rooms will be well ventilated at all times.
Cleaning and Hygiene
- We aim to wash children’s hands every hour, as well as after toileting and prior to eating.
- We will be disinfecting all toys and resources as much as possible, and have strict procedures in place that ensure that resources are not shared between room, unless first sterilised.
- Our cleaning team will complete a thorough clean each evening, using strong disinfectant.
- Toilets/ Nappy changing areas will be thoroughly cleaned after each use.
- We have installed 2 extra hand sanitizer points in the playground. Please use often.
Food and drink
- Children will be provided with their normal meals and snacks.
- The weekly menu will be displayed on the office window.
- Menus may alter slightly depending on available produce.
- Please bring a labelled water bottle for your child, which will be refilled throughout the day.
- Where possible, staff will remain in each room in order to minimise the risk of cross contamination.
- Staff have strict procedures in place regrading social distancing while outside the setting.
Breakfast and After-school Club
- Official guidelines have not yet been issued by the Department of Education.
- However, we feel that our procedures will mirror their expectations. We have contacted all 4 schools individually and are still waiting for a response from some. If anything changes we will let you know ASAP.
- We are aware that schools are having staggered collection/ pick up time. Our aim is to have a nominated waiting point to support these staggered times.
- While travelling in the vehicles, windows will be kept open to allow for air ventilation. We may create a walking bus where possible.
- Please do not enter the after-school club. The doors will be left open. Please wait outside on the green mat and a member of staff will take/return your child. A member of staff will be situated on the front entrance at all times.
- Ensure you social distance with other parents who are collecting. Please be patient.
- Children will be expected to hand sanitise both on entering and exiting the nursery.
- Children will be bubbled into school groups, meaning that children will not have contact with children from another school.
- The large room/kitchen area will be divided into 4 separate areas for each school.
- Staff will be consistent in each school group, meaning they will do the collection and will care for the children in their nominated area. School bubbles will be no more than 15 families.
- Tea will be provided as normal. However, we have chosen to go back a cold tea for the time being due to children eating in their nominated areas. All allergies/Intolerances will be catered for.
Remaining Vigilant
- Please ensure that you follow the guidelines set by the government and maintain social distancing while outside the setting.
- Please notify us immediately if you have been contacted by Track and Trace or you suspect that you have had direct contact with a confirmed Covid result. If this is during weekend hours, please text or ring Harriet on 07821434580.
- We now have a very strict procedure if you child displays any symptoms.
- We do understand that children can get temperatures or coughs for a many reasons. However if your child displays symptoms, we do expect you collect them within 30 minutes and arrange a Covid test. It may be best to pre-warn your employer of this.
Can we please remind all parents that if you or your child display any symptoms to notify the nursery straight away.
Get a test and self-isolate as instructed by government guidelines.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time.
We look forward to welcoming you back soon.